Sleeping... one of the most essential need for human beings to continue their daily activities well. So we need to have a good and adequte sleeping and when don't get enough sleep, we are nervous, forget things and our attention is distracted easily. But something we start to sleep so much. It is a problem again. Oversleeping creates problems as sleeping few does. For example, nervousness, anger, not being glad to live etc. One of the most important reason of oversleeping is depression. ''what is the normality of sleeping'' this question is asked all the time and the answer is 6-8 hours is enough. But it is related to period of sleeping. the duration of sleeping increase when it is interrupted so we have to sleep more for an efficient sleeping. But sleeping in a comfortable, normal heated and moistured place will be adequate and efficent even if it is short. therefore the conditions must be considered clearly. In addition, some daily defaults can create sleeping disorders. for example you argued with your wife/husband, you had a bad exam, you lost much money etc.. But these sleeping orders are temporary. After the reasons disappear, sleeping disorders with that matter disappear too. sometimes we can sleep so much and after sleeping for hours and waking up still exhausted we must look over the conditions of our bedroom, how it is heated, is our bed good etc. and that we wake up often at nightscan be a reason of our oversleeping and after controlling conditions and seeing that there is
not a extra-ordinary conditions to oversleep we must go to doctor and search it scientifically....

2 yorum:
In fact, we are in such a rush in life that we don't have so much time for sleeping=)!When I sleep less than I should, I have headaches. I also feel tired when I sleep more than average.Efficient sleeping time is seven hours for me.
once my sleep regularity is distracted ,I can't order it again easily.If I sleep later than usual time ,after that day I can't sleep in my usual tıme and I wander around all day dazedly.
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