,Last week in our literature class, we were supposed to act a short story which we read at the class. We made groups and selected the short stories by chance. Since I am not very lucky person the longest of the stories came to my group which was made up 11 pages. But we had to act it. By the way in the group there were me, Betul, Sumeyye, Nesrin, Ayaz, Neslihan, Zöhre and Mesude.Our story's name is the lady with the pet dog''. In the story there are a man and his wife and also another woman and her husband. our protoganists are Dimitri and Anna. They fall in love each other and betray their partners. It was a little difficult to act because there were so many scenes in the play so we had to remove some scenes out of play to shorten it. There were 5 roles in the play.I acted Dimitri and Betul acted Anna. Neslihan was my wife and Ayaz was Betül's husband. Sümeyye was my daughter. Since I wwas supposed to play a male character I had to get dressed like a man. So I wanted some clothes from Ayaz and he brought me his lounge suit. But since I am taller than Ayaz his pants are short for me :) It was very comic. And the ''audience'' laughed a lot.We acted the play successfully and our instructor liked it a lot and we got 10 points out of 10. ıt was really an en
joyable to act and I am also in the group of theatre club in METU. while acting, I forget myself and become somebody else. It is a very different feeling.One of the great players, Haluk Bilginer, says that ''While playing I forget myself completely and If I am sick I dont feel ny stomach ache for example.'' It ıs very ınteresting for me. Maybe I can't be like him but I want to continue my theatre career :)
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I have already written about our theatre :)you are right we enjoyed so much.Especially when I saw helin in suit which is too short for her I couldn't help my laughing.but I think she was very handsome :)
Even though my suıt was too short for you ı thınk ıt suıted to you:)ıt was really enjoyable and ı wısh you good luck ın your theatre career........
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