,Last week in our literature class, we were supposed to act a short story which we read at the class. We made groups and selected the short stories by chance. Since I am not very lucky person the longest of the stories came to my group which was made up 11 pages. But we had to act it. By the way in the group there were me, Betul, Sumeyye, Nesrin, Ayaz, Neslihan, Zöhre and Mesude.Our story's name is the lady with the pet dog''. In the story there are a man and his wife and also another woman and her husband. our protoganists are Dimitri and Anna. They fall in love each other and betray their partners. It was a little difficult to act because there were so many scenes in the play so we had to remove some scenes out of play to shorten it. There were 5 roles in the play.I acted Dimitri and Betul acted Anna. Neslihan was my wife and Ayaz was Betül's husband. Sümeyye was my daughter. Since I wwas supposed to play a male character I had to get dressed like a man. So I wanted some clothes from Ayaz and he brought me his lounge suit. But since I am taller than Ayaz his pants are short for me :) It was very comic. And the ''audience'' laughed a lot.We acted the play successfully and our instructor liked it a lot and we got 10 points out of 10. ıt was really an en
joyable to act and I am also in the group of theatre club in METU. while acting, I forget myself and become somebody else. It is a very different feeling.One of the great players, Haluk Bilginer, says that ''While playing I forget myself completely and If I am sick I dont feel ny stomach ache for example.'' It ıs very ınteresting for me. Maybe I can't be like him but I want to continue my theatre career :)
11 Ocak 2009 Pazar
1 Ocak 2009 Perşembe

Last week me and cuma was talking about our chances of getting something. He said "i can be very lucky sometimes one of my uncles won the lottery two times to be lucky is like our family's custom". after hearing this, I said "let's buy a lottery ticket this christmas maybe we win!!" because I believe some people's luckiness. Then when one day in that week we went to cepa mall to watch a movie together. There were serafettin, hande, me, sakir, mesude, ayaz, nihan, hande, samet, sule, betul, sumeyye. We were crowded but it was better. anyway, after the movie ( body of lies) I and cuma bought a lottery ticket and we started to dream about our money:) as if we would won the lottery. we talked about what we would do if we won, where we would go, what we would buy ( cars, houses...) but yesterday night the big lottery was announced and... we couldn't win any money. I haven't seen him since yesterday but I am not sad about it because I believe that money is nothing. well we need it to live but not too much.A little money can make me happy. but some can do anything for money such as thieves, killers, beggers and so on... And ther real reason of some wars is getting more money and land between the countries I am sorry to say that money rules the world....
27 Aralık 2008 Cumartesi
To Oversleep..

Sleeping... one of the most essential need for human beings to continue their daily activities well. So we need to have a good and adequte sleeping and when don't get enough sleep, we are nervous, forget things and our attention is distracted easily. But something we start to sleep so much. It is a problem again. Oversleeping creates problems as sleeping few does. For example, nervousness, anger, not being glad to live etc. One of the most important reason of oversleeping is depression. ''what is the normality of sleeping'' this question is asked all the time and the answer is 6-8 hours is enough. But it is related to period of sleeping. the duration of sleeping increase when it is interrupted so we have to sleep more for an efficient sleeping. But sleeping in a comfortable, normal heated and moistured place will be adequate and efficent even if it is short. therefore the conditions must be considered clearly. In addition, some daily defaults can create sleeping disorders. for example you argued with your wife/husband, you had a bad exam, you lost much money etc.. But these sleeping orders are temporary. After the reasons disappear, sleeping disorders with that matter disappear too. sometimes we can sleep so much and after sleeping for hours and waking up still exhausted we must look over the conditions of our bedroom, how it is heated, is our bed good etc. and that we wake up often at nightscan be a reason of our oversleeping and after controlling conditions and seeing that there is
not a extra-ordinary conditions to oversleep we must go to doctor and search it scientifically....

21 Aralık 2008 Pazar
Servet Çetin

As all of you know Servet Cetin (27) is a proffesional footballer who is playing Galatasaray Football Team now. I want to tell about his career. He started to play as a proffesional in 1999. When he was in fenerbahce, fenerbahce got the League Championship in 2004 and 2005. After joining Galatasaray he was criticized for making critical mistakes on the pitch. It is said that he was good at winning header but not in ones-on-ones, especially against quick players. But after settling in Galatasary he improved and became favorite of Galatasaray fans (me too:)) what he made him favorite is that he gives what he has on the pitch and we, supporters, call him ''Ayıboğan'' for his height and strength. He is also known for his desire for playing although he has injuries. And nowadays he is playing with a black mask because of a cheekbone injury. he has been dating with a German model for 4 years.
18 Aralık 2008 Perşembe
catching the right angle!
In the photograhy art, there are so many things that must be known and fulfilled. one of them is perspective. With the help of perspective and angles, so nice photos and scenes can appear. In these photos you see things as if they are some things different. And why am I writing about this topic? Because last week when I opened my facebook account there was an update about one of my friends. It was said that he added some photos and I became curious about them and opened his profile to look at photos. they attracted my attention because they are fairly good. I admire those who took that photos and I want to show you some of them. I think you will like them..


17 Aralık 2008 Çarşamba
P.S I love you...

I can say that it is one of the most emotional novel I have ever read. Its author is Cecelia Ahern. She was born in 1981 in Ireland and she has been an author since 2004 and P.S I Love You is her first novel. It became a bestseller for 19 weeks in Ireland and some other countries. It is about a life of a woman who lose her husband from an ilness and her husband’s letters for an each mounth after his death. Holly, the main character, loves his husband so much and Gerry, her husband loves her too. Nobody knows Holly better than Gerry and when Gerry know he will die, He wrote 10 letters to Holly and these letters will guide her. Because he knows Holly will be in a great grief after his death and she must know life goes on. This letters includes some tasks that Holly has to do. For example one of them says to Holly that she must find a job and learn how to make money. But her best friend and mother start to worry about Holly ‘cos they think she will stick to past and will be upset but Gerry’s letters take her to the future and teach her how to live without him and to stand on her own feet.
Holly Kennedy- the main character
Gerry Clarke- Holly’s late husband
Sharon McCarthy- Holly’s best friend
Denise Connoly- Holly’s friend
Elizabeth Kennedy- Holly’s mother
Frank Kennedy- Holly’s father
In this book I like most Gerry’s letters to his wife. ‘cos they teach something readers about life. One of them says to Holly ‘’ Honey you will go to a karaoke pub and sing a song’’ but her voice is so bad and she doesn’t have an ear for music. Here he wants her to gain self-confidence and discover the potential talent in her.
I can say that it is one of the most emotional novel I have ever read. Its author is Cecelia Ahern. She was born in 1981 in Ireland and she has been an author since 2004 and P.S I Love You is her first novel. It became a bestseller for 19 weeks in Ireland and some other countries. It is about a life of a woman who lose her husband from an ilness and her husband’s letters for an each mounth after his death. Holly, the main character, loves his husband so much and Gerry, her husband loves her too. Nobody knows Holly better than Gerry and when Gerry know he will die, He wrote 10 letters to Holly and these letters will guide her. Because he knows Holly will be in a great grief after his death and she must know life goes on. This letters includes some tasks that Holly has to do. For example one of them says to Holly that she must find a job and learn how to make money. But her best friend and mother start to worry about Holly ‘cos they think she will stick to past and will be upset but Gerry’s letters take her to the future and teach her how to live without him and to stand on her own feet.
Holly Kennedy- the main character
Gerry Clarke- Holly’s late husband
Sharon McCarthy- Holly’s best friend
Denise Connoly- Holly’s friend
Elizabeth Kennedy- Holly’s mother
Frank Kennedy- Holly’s father
In this book I like most Gerry’s letters to his wife. ‘cos they teach something readers about life. One of them says to Holly ‘’ Honey you will go to a karaoke pub and sing a song’’ but her voice is so bad and she doesn’t have an ear for music. Here he wants her to gain self-confidence and discover the potential talent in her.
I think about the parts that aren’t clear for me but the book is an easy book to read and doesn’t have complicated parts maybe while reading, you mix the characters. Well I think the book was written for teenagers and the author tries to give some advices about standing on your own feet. The language the author uses is very easy to understand and it has an smooth style and doesn’t have so much vocabulary. The organization of book is from past to future and it makes the understanding simple. In addition, this book has an important place in me because it is the first book my belov
ed gave me....

7 Aralık 2008 Pazar
My sweetie cousin:)
As I have so many aunts and uncles, I have many cousins from every ages and so I know every type of child in any age. Well especially there is one of them I love most. His name is Cahfer and he is the son of my aunt. he is 24 years old. he has been living in Batman for 12 years and he has changed so many school so far. not because of his laziness, naugthiness or something else, but because of his unluckiness. he has had some problems about his family and he had to quit school and then had to start again but because of his age. he is a litle bit old for high school. but he was accepted for a high school in batman. the name of the school is ''Commercial Vocational High School'' he completed it and then entered to uni entrance exam but unfotunately he couldn't pass it. this year he started to learn english and he has planned to go Bulgaria. So sometimes while online chatting, we try to speak in english but he has difficulty in speaking and I help him. well when it comes to his personality, he is so strange because sometimes he can be so comic but sometimes can be so uncompanionable and sometimes he can be so snappish that I can kill him. While we were children, we argued so much and now we are laughing what we did as a child. and now while I am writing this article, I am at his house and he is sitting near me and reading what I am writing and trying to understand what I am writing. And thank God he can't understand clearly and exactly how I am thinking about him because he will be spoiled and I can't bear it!!!! He is like my elder brother. In addition my brother and he have been very close friends since their childhood and they share everthing with each other but not with me and I, like a curious child, try to learn what they are doing but they don't let me know.They have seen me as a child all the time and even now they are seeing me like this. despite this situation, Thank God I have them and this family I love them so much. so while I am away, they miss me and I miss them but what can I do? everything is for my future and they are happy and proud of me:)

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