As you know I introduced you my hometown, Diyarbakır, last week. And I thought I should a poet from Diyarbakır. His name is Ahmet Arif. Maybe you know him maybe not. Well firstly I can say about him that he is from diyarbakır and was born in 1927 and died in 1991. After graduating from Diyarbakır high school, he started to study in Ankara university. Although he is Kurdish he wrote all of his poems in Turkish and he emphasizes people's brotherhood (especially people living in Anatolia) in his poems. his poems were translated into Kurdish too and his only poem book is 'Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim' and it was published in 1968 firstly and it is one of the most printed book in Turkey. Some famous poets such as Yılmaz Erdoğan quoted from his poets. Despite his strict face expression, he has very emotional poems. Some of his poems are lyrics of some songs such as 'Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim' from Ahmet Kaya or 'Adiloş Bebe' from Cem Karaca. I first read one of his poems through my boyfriend he loves his poems too and he knows all of his poems!!! Wel I like his poems but do not know all of them and I wanna show you some of his poems.
Terketmedi sevdan beni
Aç kaldım, susuz kaldım
Hayın karanlıktı gece.
Can garip, can suskun
can paramparça.
Ve ellerim; kelepçede.
Tütünsüz, uykusuz kaldım
Terketmedi sevdan beni.
Aç kaldım, susuz kaldım
Hayın karanlıktı gece.
Can garip, can suskun
can paramparça.
Ve ellerim; kelepçede.
Tütünsüz, uykusuz kaldım
Terketmedi sevdan beni.
Seni, baharmışın gibi düşünüyorum,
Seni, Diyarbekir gibi,
Nelere, nelere baskın gelmez ki
Seni düşünmenin tadı...
Seni, Diyarbekir gibi,
Nelere, nelere baskın gelmez ki
Seni düşünmenin tadı...
P.S this poem is too long to write so I take only one stanza of it....
1 yorum:
To tell the truth ı dont know AHMET ARIF.but ı lıked the poem terk etmedı sevdan benı.
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