my home sweet home:) it is understood that I miss my home, isn't it? I wanna introduce you my hometown, Diyarbakır. it has a very long history. it had been home of 26 different civilizations and it had also different names such as Amid, Amed, O'mid etc. In the domination of Arabian civilization its name was 'diyarbekr' but it had changes but in the end in an telegraph of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk it was changed as Diyarbakır. It was an important city of trade in nearly every historical period. so there were so many wars to get it. It was included in Ottoman domination in 1515 by Yavuz Sultan Selim. These reasons make the city very historical place and it has so many antique places such as mosques, churches, museums etc... for example Ulu Camii or Great Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in our country.And there is an important thing that mustn't be forgotten. It has also city wall which dates back the domination of Akkoyunlular. 'cos during centuries turkish, kurdish, armenian, assyrian, jewish and arabian people had lived together the city has a very rich cuisine and you can understand it by looking at me:):P And it also has various crafts such as jewellery, copperworking, the silk industry etc. Its people are
very hospitable and friendly. they like helping people who need. Well after so many things I can say I love my hometown but unfortunately it is shown different in media and people from other cities look at Diyarbakır in a different way and it upsets me a lot :(:( you must come and see my hometown I will be very happy to lead you :)

3 yorum:
The pics. are really awesome! It's my dream to join a tour which goes to the east of Turkey. Mardin, Diyarbakır and G.antep are the cities which I wanted to visit much...Because the photos of wonderful views in east effect me very much
I've visited Diyarbakir once and that was a great time for me...Diyarbakir is really beautiful city..I think everybody should visit Diyarbakir,while visiting there don't forget to eat Watermelon ;)
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