Every year we, Muslims, celebrate a feast which dates back to the period of Abraham prophet. Muslims believe that Abraham prophet had a son whose name was İsmail and Abraham had to sacrifice his son to God. While he was doing the sacrifice process, his son, to be killed ''sacrifice'' turn into an animal and from that day Muslims have had sacrifice feast and have been making sacrifices to the God. And after killing the animal they hand out the meats of the animal to those who are in need of meat according to Is
lamic rules. I think it is a good thing because we learn to share our belongings with the others. and it strengthens our relationships with one another. but in our country while killing the animals for sacrifices, people are so crucial to animals and make them run away because anımals are afraid of being killed and they run away. so very interesting scenes appear every year. we see them in the news and sometimes some of them can be comic. because people in our country don't know how to behave against the animal while the animal run away. I think people who will have an animal to kill it must be knowledgable to fulfill the ''task'' properly and with the least hurt which will be suffer by animal...