Adolescence… one of the hardest problems of these days. Well it is not a psychological problem but it is a period of transition. It is so important for teenagers. Because in this period they start to grow, they have some changes in their body, their physical apperance becomes important for them and also they start to rebel against their family and the rules that they have to obey. They may be affected so deeply so in this period their parents must be more considerate against them.In addition, they wanna make their own choices about their future. Well you can think it is their right to give them the chance to choose their future but you mustn’t forget that they are not adults but not children,too. You can give them freedom but not completely, you should balance it. not too strict and not very relaxed. because they are in a period and can’t decide properly. For example they can decide a vocation and they can regret it after years pass. So you must take the control.In my family adolescence was not a big problem for me be
cause for my mum I was not a” problematic child”. And she was always considerate to me and for my emotional development and for my school and lessons she could do everything. Because I was already a wounded child and she tried to everything for me and my brother. So it was not difficult for me to pass that period.To develop a positive relationship in this period of child, parents and children must respectful to each other. They can create a positive environment by doing this. For example; if a teenager wanna do something, he/ she must share it with his/her parents. Because it can be dangerous for him/her. It is a sign of respect. And also a parent can say reasons why she/ or he bans something and must try to explain the re
asons that she/ he gives.Of course, there is a generation gap between me and ny mum. because she is 44 and I am 18. Sometimes we can’t agree on some issues. For example my pants! well you may not believe but it is true while I and my mum go to the shop, we nearly argue ‘cos she doesn’t want me to wear low-waisted pants and I like wearing them!!!!! apart from this we can!t agree on something generally unimportant!And to brigde this gap I sometimes do what she wants. Especially I do this not to argue with her because she is all my life and I don’t wanna upset her.Well like every child the gap affects me. but it affects me sometimes in a bad way. The gap between me and my mum originates from her being a little big old while comparing with me. Because she has lived in different ideas in her mind so far and my ideas are different from hers. And so we can’t agree. So sometimes I think it can be painful to me accept her ideas and it can be bad….

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