what is ''work and travel''? It is an cultural exchange program which is under the control of USA government and which enables students around the world to come to USA for improving their english by working and also enables them to learn about different cultures and societies. With the help of this program you can live in USA not like a tourist but like a person from USA and also with a little money you can come back your country. It is the dictionary meaning of ''work and travel''. I think it is a beneficial program because you work there and you can see what is happening in daily life, how it is diificult to make money and also you can learn daily language, slang, som
e informal usages of english not only we were taught in our schools! ( for example; this is a book:)) By the way, you go there for improving your english but at the same time you learn some tricks, experiences about working life and when you come back your country, you have some stuffs about business world when necessary to talk about. In addition, you learn not only about American culture but also different cultures because in this program there student from all around the world and you will met them and learn something about their
cultures or countries and you can have the opportunity to introduce your culture to these students. I think you can also feel the excellence of being on your own feet and live on yourself. So after thinking so many good features about this program why are we waiting? I hope I will attend it!! ( but of course if my mum let me goo...)

2 yorum:
Ohh my dear friend..You really mentioned about a good point.My roommate and I were talking about this in these days.We want to join this program, as we think it will be very helpful and beneficial for us.It nice to learn many things out of our country and to improve our english.So as you said''why are we waiting?''..Let's try it and see what will happen=))
I want TRAVEL AND TRAVELL :D:D How about that???? Well, this is not probable for the time being..Work and travel is a great chance for us to improve our skills a in many ways.. Also i have heard that shopping in the USA is much cheaper than it is here :P:P This makes me want to go there more !!:P
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