Just think... One of the most lovely animals of the world and the most innocent creature of the world... a dolphine and a small child.. They are in blue water. The child is wearing a black short and a scuba mask. The dolphine is a little bit huge while comparing with the child. The child tries to hug the dolphine with his little arms and kisses the dolphine from the lips. The dolphine is pleased 'cos a human being loves it and the child is happy 'cos he thinks dolphine is his friend and not afraid of him... And there must be a strong friendship between them and also we can know they love each other...
3 yorum:
my friend,as i read your pharagraph i feel the dolphins and the small child will get marry soon:)they are really very sweety:)i think this is not just a photo i think it hides somethıng in it.it reflects a natural miracle-the relationship between animals and humanbeings..well,thanks for your sharing us..
Nesly I can't say in English..Yarıldım yorumuna:D:D:D...
Anyway as you all know dolphins are so faitful that you can approach them in the same way you approach the people..Because they re very friendly..
really impressive and positive attitudes to the life, Helin. İ really appreciate it:)
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